Over the past few years, Globaltrans has improved its ESG governance structure to communicate and respond effectively to emerging ESG issues while proactively implementing sustainability commitments, initiatives and practices. The ESG Committee has overall responsibility for the Group’s sustainability strategy and is the Company's top unit in charge of its sustainable development issues. The Committee was created in January 2021 to support and direct the Group towards improving its sustainability-related practices and policies and its reporting and transparency. Its creation reflects the Group’s conviction that behaving responsibly underpins our ability to deliver sustainable value for all our stakeholders. By assisting the Board with oversight of ESG-related issues, the Committee supports the development of a practical Group-wide approach to sustainability and disclosure. The Committee's efforts were bolstered by the adoption in January 2021 of a formal ESG policy that sets out formal ESG commitments and established lines of responsibility and accountability. 


Our ESG journey:


  • Publication of our first Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI standard

  • First time reporting оf Scope 1 emissions

  • Privacy Policy introduced


  • Introduction of various social policies such as Human Rights, Corporate Diversity and Inclusion and Freedom of Association Policies

  • Environmental & Energy Policy adopted

  • Suppliers’ Code of Conduct introduced

  • Introduction of Group-wide LTIFR measure of employee health & safety

  • Website relaunched with a separate Sustainability section


  • ESG Committee formed

  • ESG Policy adopted

  • First time reporting оf Scope 2 emissions

  • Publication of first climate-related report in accordance with TCFD recommendations

  • Improvement in ESG ratings and ranking positions (Sustainalytics, Expert RA)


  • Health and Safety Policy adopted with LTIFR maintained at 0

  • Strengthening of HR practiсes.

  • Employee engagement survey held

  • Green Office Initiative introduced


  • First time reporting waste management data with 99% of waste categorised as low-hazadours

  • Further external recognition through various ESG rankings

Last updated: 24.06.2024